Wednesday, August 15, 2007

This week...

...I became an aunt to a teeny weeny leedle baby boy (I have no words)

...I let go a bit too much, a bit too quickly, a bit too spontaneously....( I still have no words ;-))

....Moses Taiwa Molelekwa came back into my life in the form of "Genes and Spirits" (I cried the office....oy vey)

....I finally put "it" behind me, for good, and it felt right, brought me much needed peace...Thank the Lawd for clarity!

...I found out, for sure, that I am a monkey, a metal one apparently...(Thanks V!)

Aaah....this life.....


Muzi said...


Charlie said...

Congratulations aunty Lulu.

Anonymous said...

...ohh that's great,Aunt Lu...
monkey...please do share??!!

Heartwarmer said...

Awwwwwwwwwww, a little bay-bee. I'm loving them little bay-bees *says in baby talk tone.

Is a little bay-bee blue, or little bay-bee pinkie *still talking in baby talk tone.

Lulu Nation said...

Thanks guys...

Sunshine, it's the chinese horoscopes...according the year, month and hour you were born...very interesting..You should look your's up!

Buzzing'Fly said...

Aunty poopy - the monks! we LIIKE. told you.....

post sum pics of lil stampeedo... comon...;)