Thursday, June 7, 2007

In my solitude...

I got home last night with no intention of lying on the couch and watching TV...again. So I took my jacket and decided to walk to the coffee shop at the mall for some alone time before a possible movie date with malaveeng, and perhaps a second chance at saying hello to lone sexy cappucino drinking, book wielding, cigarette smoking dude! It was fokken freezing, so you can imagine just how much I wanted to leave the couch and tv situation. I took my book and a notepad, not quite sure how long i'd survive chilling there on my own. I got a seat at "our" table and started reading and reading and thinking and thinking...the world around me dissappeared and I sat there thinking, wow, this is so cool!

Me myself and I getting by, just fine! For the first time, in a long time, I felt just fine being on my own. I ended up coming up with a brilliant idea for the film that's mos def taking us to the next level. I ended up thinking about myself and what it is I want in life. What kind of people I want around me. And what it is I want to do with this life! You gotta love the cheeze!

And so Malaveeng arrived, beeming as usual, and we go watch this movie that she apparantly heard amazing things about. "The Breach" WTF? The cinema at the pensioner's mall is empty! So we start watching this movie and it's really not going we start chatting, because we can....and soon after decide to take our catch up session to a more social space! Viva Gin and Tonic....nice one!

I guess my point's that it's nice to be alone, at times, and comfortable with it but it also feels great to have people to be with! I love mapeeplez!

NOTE TO SUCKER PUNCH: You know i love you and everything, but please bring back my laptop...You are standing in the way of great things! Mnxim!

1 comment:

Heartwarmer said...

ya, no, go monate go itunela o le nosi...even better when you can do it in know with calm in your head - no's nice.